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F.O.P. lo-fi

  1. fop_lofi 23:33

Moral Decay lo-fi: Everything I know I learned from Tricky Dick “I am not a crook”  Nixon

  1. Moral decay_lofi 49:35

I Am Not Your Ally lo-fi

  1. Not Your Ally_mixdown 4:07

Make Jazz Not War! lo-fi

  1. The Counter-Revolution Will Be Televised lo-fi Make Jazz Not War! 6:47

The June 2023 lo-fi recordings 

  1. Not Your Ally_mixdown 4:07
  2. The Counter-Revolution Will Be Televised lo-fi Make Jazz Not War! 6:47
  3. Moral decay_lofi 49:35
  4. fop_lofi 23:33

The Impeachment Rag & other songs for our time 

  1. The Repression Will Not Be Televised 5:19
  2. La Cuenta 4:01
  3. The Impeachment Rag 6:01
  4. Leaving the Shtetl 4:56
  5. The Hand You Can Shake 2:46

We Are Not Going Away 

  1. We Are Not Going Away - Producer’s Mix 4:32
  2. We Are Not Going Away 3:37


  1. bluesisthebottom@bottomistheblues 12:39
  2. Tall Tales of America 5:35
  3. Thanamattapoeia 22:19
  4. Marlene Dietrich and James Earl Jones in Black Casablanca 7:22
  5. A. curassavica 14:50

Motherless Acoustivore 

  1. Here 9:44
  2. Get Back Blues 8:29
  3. Motherless Acoustivore 6:30
  4. The Repression Will Not Be Televised 4:45
  5. Motherless 3:54
  6. Georgia Obbligattio 1:13
  7. Coal Fired Pizza at the End of the Universe 10:58
  8. Do Lions and Tigers Get Hairballs? 19:54
  9. When You Listen to Kidd Jordan 4:18

Freedom is a Constant Struggle 

  1. We Are Not Going Away The Jazz Poetry Ensemble 11:04
  2. Freedom is a Constant Struggle The Jazz Poetry Ensemble 5:00
  3. Make Jazz Not War The Jazz Poetry Ensemble 10:39
  4. Footprints Jazz Poetry Ensemble 9:52